Sunday, February 3, 2013

Matt - I Just Emailed Stacey Campfield and Asked Him if He DID NOT Respect Me Because I Admitted I Kissed a Girl in My College Days. Sir - I Only Blogged About It Because I Knew That If I Didn't Someone Else Would. The TRUTH is NOT That Exciting... & the REAL Facts (My Version). I Feared That Those Connected to Sal Russo Would Have Made Me Look Like a BIMBO>

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <>
Subject: Sharyn Bovat Asks Tennessee State Senator Stacey Campfield if He Disrespects Her for Blogging That in Her College Days She Kissed a Girl (she was just curious) - Is That Why He & Other Zealots Never Did Anything About Issues of She Whistle Blew About of Discrimination & 1.4 Billion Tax Dollars that NISSAN Wasted? Tells Chambers to NOT Recruit Companies Without Warning Them of Corrupt Courts and Homophobic Good Ole Boys
Date: February 3, 2013 11:58:15 PM CST
To: "" <>, "" <>,,,,,,,,, "" <>,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: Sharyn Bovat <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Blake Farmer <>, "" <>

Stacey Campfield - Why can't YOU respect ALL People.  Is it really too much to ask for in Tennessee?

Check out my new blog: 

I've got it documented that I told you about fraud in reference to the NISSAN Leaf and YOU never did anything.
So you "really" think NISSAN can pay back the 1.4 billion DOE loan?  A loan that is backed with collateral that's a 2 BILLION dollar Rutherford County IDB bond.  

A few weeks ago a guy connected to the intelligence community told me that "corrupt people can change - zealots can't " that means that Haslam's people that appointed the corrupt judges are 
better for "this" society than people like YOU and Mae Beavers.  It's sad -  I had hope for Mae but she KNEW I was "railroaded" and did NOTHING - The state legislature is filled with biblical hypocrites.

NISSAN has more debt in Tennessee than an estimated 11 times the "global" companies profits.  I was told they'd have to go BK (restructure) That's Wall Street lingo speak for BANKRUPT.
I really think someone should investigate. I've already sent stuff to DC & talked to people at the DOJ. I'm meeting with Senator Jack Johnson on Tuesday to ask for a TBI investigation - Odd are he won't do anything BUT I want to at least ask.  Like I said in the previous paragraph - trying to get Zealots to listen is impossible so with Jack Johnson their is hope. 

FYI- The Williamson County ADA Terry Wood lied on an affidavit and the TN  judge TIm Easter still based a decision on the word of a"liar". 

  It's beyond UNCONSTITUTIONAL what is happening in the Tennessee courts. Is it true Jeff Bivins LOST an election then got appointed back to the bench. VERY few judges lose elections?  He was a Judge that let "trumped up" charges against a whistle blower continue:  Judge Robbie Beal Quashed most of my subpoena's - he left me a very limited defense.  Then I learned that my lawyer - lied to me & he did not do his job to the best of him ability.  

I've sent letters to the United Nations about the massive discrimination and inhumanity at NISSAN North America  -I've sent a complaint to the American Bar Association - In reference to the NISSAN fraud -I have asked for SEC investigations, along with DOE IGO, and CIA IGO.  I spoke to a DOJ lawyer who told me to sue NISSAN civilly BUT due tot he corrupt judges I'm going to go back and tell him that the Judges dismissed a "valid" malicious prosecution case and I really think that a criminal FEDERAL racketeering investigation is what has to be done.  Also - a Hate crime investigation on the bullying and death threats that I received.  To be candid I'm tired of "ranting" but NISSAN and the courts have hurt my reputation so UNTIL I get that back I'm gonna fight for RESPECT for all people. 
Sir, can you please make sure NISSAN pays back the money will be paid back to the taxpayers.  I tried to stop it BUT people bullied me, some said I was gay.  YES!!! I tried to save the American taxpayers BILLIONS and people in Tennessee made my life miserable.

Stacey Campfield How can you say bullying of gays does not happen?    Are YOU going to "call me crazy"....  are you going to send me a nasty email? 

Boise State University:  The study interviewed 484 heterosexual women. 60 percent said they were sexually attracted to other women, 45 percent had kissed another woman and 50 percent had same-sex sexual fantasies.

I've been fighting for the American taxpayer for over 3 years.  Do you care that NISSAN wasted over 1 billion American tax dollars?  
It's becoming quite clear that people have abused me because I'm a "perceived gay"... I want a hate crime investigation.

SInce I admit on my blog that in my "college" days I kissed a woman.... FYI - I'm not gay I was curious.

Sir, LOTS of women have kissed women... Just like a lot of people "tried" pot.  Just because they tried pot does
not make them drug addicts.   Sir, I want to know WHY I'm not respected in Tennessee.  

Maybe we need a bill passed giving "disclosure" forms to companies thinking of moving to Tennessee.  It should state that
WARNING - the courts in Tennessee are CORRUPT & if your not a puritan then Do NOT move here.

Yes!!! I think that's a good bill to pass.  I'll cc some of the ECD people.


Sharyn Bovat

The NISSAN Whistleblower

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